People walk amongst the debris, at the crash site of a passenger plane near the village of Grabovo, Ukraine, Thursday, July 17, 2014. A Ukrainian official said a passenger plane carrying 295 people was shot down Thursday as it flew over the country and plumes of black smoke rose up near a rebel-held village in eastern Ukraine. Malaysia Airlines tweeted that it lost contact with one of its flights as it was traveling from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur over Ukrainian airspace. (AP Photo/Dmitry Lovetsky)

Украина продлила соглашение с Нидерландами о защите расследования крушения МН17

Соглашение между Украиной и Нидерландами касательно Международной миссии защиты расследования катастрофы самолета рейса МН17 компании «Малайзийские авиалинии», произошедшей в небе над Донбассом,…